It was such bad timing; while coordinating the Home-Schooling group’s entry into the Zoo for the Wildlife talk, Mummy Eliz got a call from the doctor informing her that the results of Gran Agatha’s blood tests are highly suggestive of leukemia.
Promising to return a call back as soon as possible, Mummy Eliz ended the call, and with a heavy heart, attended the talk.
Fortunately, Princess Chelsea got to meet a new friend, 8 year old Samuel, who is really a god-send. He took really great care of her, and she really adores him, calling out his name every so often.
~ At the Auditorium, waiting for the talk to start ~

~ Show & Tell: A 6 meter long python’s skin ~
Did you know?
That a pangolin is a mammal, and that it is not covered with scales, but rather it is fur that has hair-gel like substances on it, thus making hard and looking like scales?

~ Princess with Samuel ~
~ Princess getting a push on the swing from Samuel ~

~ Having a dip in the kids’ play-area with An-An ~
A chat later on with the doctor revealed the following:
Gran Agatha’s lymph nodes in the abdomen are badly swollen, thus causing her unbearable pain and discomfort in the abdomen [from an enlarged spleen].
A bone narrow test would have to be done in order to confirm the exact type of leukemia, and also the severity. Then only could we decide on the treatment options, which would most likely include chemo.
Gran Agatha’s decades-long depression had been taxing physically, emotionally, financially, and while it was the major contributor to some amount of residual negative emotions between the mother-daughter pair, Mummy Eliz certainly wish for Gran Agatha to live to a ripe old age.