Sunday, August 24, 2008

Diagnosed w/ Chronic Leukemia

Yes, it is Leukemia, chronic leukemia, and thankfully it is just chronic leukemia. It could possibly be worst right?

Looking back, Mummy Eliz certainly felt foolish on Wednesday, when all the wild thoughts were wreaking havoc in her mind. Thus it is with relief that the confirmation this morning is that it is chronic leukemia.

At least there is a name to it, and there are treatments options [namely chemo, radiology] that we could choose from, and there are people who had overcome the disease successfully.

Last day of Bouncy Castle @ Katong Mall

Today is the last day of operation of Uncle Calvin and Auntie Cynthia’s Bouncy Castle at Katong Mall, and Princess went for a last jump; Prince also experienced the thrill of his first jump today.

~ Princess with Colin, being swallowed alive by a giant monkey ~

~ Uncle Calvin stepping in for crowd control ~

~ Taking a much deserved break after all the jumping ~

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Gran Agatha’s CT scan results

Lymph nodes are all over a human body, and usually they do not show up on a CT scan.

For Gran Agatha, more than 20 lymph nodes showed up on her CT scan. The biggest one measured 7cm by 5cm. Those lymph nodes in the abdomen area are causing her great discomfort.

Talk on S'pore Wildlife @ S'pore Zoo

It was such bad timing; while coordinating the Home-Schooling group’s entry into the Zoo for the Wildlife talk, Mummy Eliz got a call from the doctor informing her that the results of Gran Agatha’s blood tests are highly suggestive of leukemia.

Promising to return a call back as soon as possible, Mummy Eliz ended the call, and with a heavy heart, attended the talk.

Fortunately, Princess Chelsea got to meet a new friend, 8 year old Samuel, who is really a god-send. He took really great care of her, and she really adores him, calling out his name every so often.

~ At the Auditorium, waiting for the talk to start ~

~ Show & Tell: A 6 meter long python’s skin ~

Did you know?

That a pangolin is a mammal, and that it is not covered with scales, but rather it is fur that has hair-gel like substances on it, thus making hard and looking like scales?

~ Princess with Samuel ~

~ Princess getting a push on the swing from Samuel ~

~ Having a dip in the kids’ play-area with An-An ~


A chat later on with the doctor revealed the following:

Gran Agatha’s lymph nodes in the abdomen are badly swollen, thus causing her unbearable pain and discomfort in the abdomen [from an enlarged spleen].

A bone narrow test would have to be done in order to confirm the exact type of leukemia, and also the severity. Then only could we decide on the treatment options, which would most likely include chemo.

Gran Agatha’s decades-long depression had been taxing physically, emotionally, financially, and while it was the major contributor to some amount of residual negative emotions between the mother-daughter pair, Mummy Eliz certainly wish for Gran Agatha to live to a ripe old age.

Monday, August 18, 2008

“Child’s misbehavior does not cause anger."

“My child’s misbehavior does not cause my anger. I create anger by my interpretation of the behavior and with my response to that interpretation.”

- A very well written statement, Mummy Eliz shall try to bear this in mind every time she feels a wave of anger coming.

Mickey Mouse Theme Party for Amadeus

Little Amadeus had a Mickey Mouse Theme 1st Birthday Party Celebration, planned by his loving parents, Gabriel and Ashley, who wished for him, nothing but the best.

Princess was so amazed by the Mickey Mouse Birthday cakes, that she could hardly peel herself far from it. She was completely blown away.

And the little pool outside the clubhouse must be mentioned, with 3 slides, it was just like a mini Wild Wild Wet experience. No wonder Prince and Princess insisted on a dip despite the drizzling weather.

~ “How I wished I can have the cake all to myself”
– Princess must be thinking ~

~ “Happy Birthday to Amadeus!” ~

~ Amadeus with his loving parents ~

~ Our 2 families together ~

A day of mourning for King

Pictures tell a thousand words, thus on this very sad day, let’s allow the pictures to tell the story.

~ Our sad discovery during our evening routine check ~

~ Princess upon hearing the news; finding it hard to hold back tears ~

~ Saying her final farewells ~

~ His burial place ~

~ Rest in peace King; you will be missed ~

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sushi making fun @ Dempsey House

Thanks to Auntie Jolene, Princess had the chance to try making sushi using dough at Dempsey House.

It was certainly no child’s play, to make those delicious looking sushi, patience and creativity are not the only ingredients needed.

The hour long session was draining physically and mentally, and when it ended, it was obvious the Princess is getting tired, and thus little cranky.

~ Trying hard to make something out of the dough ~

~ Princess’s masterpiece [with lots of help from Daddy] ~

"Cultivate your family like a garden."

“Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing.”

- Kim Rohn

Just like plants in a garden, children need lots of guidance, family values, constant affirmation and acknowledgment from parents to blossom into unique individuals who will one day set forth on his/her own, and be entrusted to cultivate his/her own ‘seedlings’.

~ Princess giving Prince a hand on the swing ~

~ Princess being daring ~

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mummy Eliz's mummy having lung infection

Mummy Eliz’s mummy was admitted into TTSH yesterday as she was complaining of severe chest pains, initial suspicions was a mild heart attack, thankfully, tests reveal it was a lung infection.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Stop! Read! Check! – Grandiosity

Entitlement / Grandiosity

"The belief that one is superior to other people; entitled to special rights and privileges; or not bound by the rules of reciprocity that guide normal social interaction. Often involves insistence that one should be able to do or have whatever one wants, regardless of what is realistic, what others consider reasonable, or the cost to others; OR an exaggerated focus on superiority [e.g. bring among the most successful, famous, wealthy] – in order to achieve power or control [not primarily for attention or approval]. Sometimes includes excessive competitiveness toward, or domination of others: asserting one’s power, forcing one’s point of view, or controlling the behavior of others inline with one’s own desires – without empathy or concern for others’ needs or feelings."

Does the above description sound like yourself, your spouse, your child, a relative, or a friend?

Kindly shared by Auntie So Mei, this is a possible life-trap a child might fall into, despite best intentions from parents. The above information is from the Good-Enough Parenting course.

This is a course which differentiates itself by not just telling parents what to do. But also highlighting to us the possible life-traps our kids could fall into, if we do not handle the situation appropriately, by recognizing the uniqueness of each child and then adjusting responses accordingly.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My cutest football boy in his jersey

Uncle John brought this jersey back for Prince Christian last year from his Taiwan trip, and now, finally, my cute little football boy fits in it.

~ Kids’ views of their back are always so cute ~

~ My cutest football boy ~

~ “BALL!” – wailed Prince
when he failed to tackle the boy from Daddy ~

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Prawn Fishing; the cruelty of it

The other day, we joined Daddy Tiong’s colleague for Prawn Fishing.

It was a new experience for us, but once the novelty of it wears off, Mummy Eliz felt that it was actually a pretty cruel sport.

Mummy Eliz enjoyed the occasional prawns, for its unique flavor and texture, but baiting them one by one is not something she enjoy.

Once caught, the two front pincers would then have to be broken off to prevent it from biting, while the prawn is alive and fiercely kicking.

In additional, the eye witnessing of hooking the sharp hock into the head of a baby catfish, and then out the tail, for usage as bait, made it all too much too bear.

Mummy Eliz had to then take a break.


Mummy Eliz certainly have nothing against those who enjoys it as a sport. Maybe she is just being too soft-hearted.

Mummy’s precious boy had a bad fall

Mummy’s precious had a fall, forehead ending up with a bump measuring >5cm in diameter, and a cut with blood oozing out.

A hurried trip was made to Mount Alvernia, and an X-Ray ordered by the A&E doctor as the bump looked huge.

Luckily the X-Ray revealed nothing serious, and little precious was allowed home. Hopefully there would not be any permanent damage.

~ A day after the fall ~

"Nobody on his death bed wished he'd ..."

"Nobody on his death bed wished he'd spent more time at the office."

- From Stephen Covey's book, First Things First.

Tong Wei’s 3rd Birthday Party @ AMK

Undoubtedly one of the most condo-like HDB flat we had ever visited.

Mummy Eliz certainly can see the huge effort that was put into making this a most memorable party for Tong Wei.

The home-cooked food, the unrestricted sand and water play area outside the corridor, the art and craft activities; all allowed the kids to do what they are best at; being themselves, and enjoying the moment.

Life should be like that, free from unnecessary competition, and yet each striving to be his/her best. And friends should be like kids, with the occasional quarrels, but never bearing grudges.

~ The two good friends having a meal together ~

~ Yes, that little one in pink is Prince Christian ~

~ Enjoying sand play ~

~ Happy Birthday to Tong Wei! ~

~ Happy Birthday to you ~


Thank you, Auntie June for inviting us to Tong Wei’s 3rd Birthday Party at your flat.

“Fruits & vegetables get spoilt; babies don’t”

“Only fruits and vegetables get spoilt; babies don’t”.

- Someone told me that once.

Singapore Garden Festival 2008

After hearing lots of favorable reviews of the Singapore Garden Festival, Daddy Tiong decided to bring the family to the event despite him nursing a slow recovery from flu.

Prince Christian was more interested in hiding and running away from us, with his new found mobility rather than in taking in the sights and smells of the thousands of flowers on display.

Our favourite at the show takes a sneak preview into a possible future, where our world stays submerged under water from the melted iceberg, if the global warming situation continues.

It displayed a perfect extensive understanding of plants, using those that looked like coral reefs to create the impression of a submerged world.

~ A piece of art by a China Landscape Artist ~

~ Submerged Shangri La; a sneak preview into a sad possible forever ~

~ With a mascot of the show; giant beetle ~

~ Another mascot ~