Despite the fact that we ended up sunburn, we could not deny that we had a fun-filled day.
Daddy Tiong completed his half-marathon run, and Princess Chelsea, her 750m Kids Dash. It was a sure test of determination for the little lady, as 750m was not really a short distance. She stopped many times for a walk, but nevertheless completed the whole distance.
The tagline for this Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2008 is a very cool “Run Your Own Race”.
After the run, Princess asked a really smart question, as in why should she run? Well, Mummy Eliz’s answer was, like how the tagline goes, that this helped us to focus on what we wants in life, and to achieve it. The whole idea is not to compete aimlessly, but rather to “Run Your Own Race”.
~ Proudly holding Daddy’s completion medal ~
~ Prince was there, completing the race, carried by Mummy ~
~ Princess with Daddy, who encouraged her on ~
~ Hydrating herself with some 100Plus ~
~ 5 minutes before the start of the race, at the Starting Point ~
Mervin, thank you for joining us on the 750m Kids Dash despite just finishing your 10km run yourself.
~ Just past the End Point, Princess flushed and tired ~
~ Getting well-deserved high5s from the volunteers ~
Surprisingly, the fringe activities were really cool, but more like a mini-carnival. There was bouncy play, shrink art, games booth, toy pony rides etc. We would surely be back next year.