Monday, January 28, 2008

No Mooo Milk ?!?! - I am not a baby cow

"I am not a baby cow!"

That would be Chelsea's response whenever she is offered milk, especially if explained that it is cow's milk.

My guess would be that as she is an exclusively breast-fed baby from birth till now, the idea of drinking cow’s milk would be totally foreign and unacceptable to her.

Especially when books at the local library shows calf drinking mummy cow’s milk, and piglets drinking mummy pig’s milk.

At the moment, Chelsea and Christian are being tandem-nursed together.

Sometimes, Mummy Eliz would feel like giving up, as tandem-nursing is a tiring job, and makes Mummy Eliz feel drained, tried and at times, frustrated, as it leaves little time for her to do anything else.

But reading this, a Newsletter from GUG, passed from Auntie Fiona, Mummy Eliz feels even more motivated to continue on what is most natural, and meant to be.

Everyone knows Breast is Best, and now, there is evidence that even for bigger kids, even if they have weaned off the breast, Cow is Bad !

Lactose-intolerant Mummy Eliz is so happy to read this article No Mooo Milk that she wants to share with all.

PS: Chelsea would still love her cheese, Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream, thus we would not be shunning these. Moderation is Key!


Extracted from Growing Up Gifted Newsletter Term 1
(Growing Up Gifted is a Pre-Nursery, Nursery, K1 and K2 School @ United Square)

No Mooo Milk ?!?!

Milk, cheese, yogurt, ice-cream, butter… do milk and diary products really do our body good?


If you are interested in reading more about it, do leave a comment, and Mummy Eliz can email the file to you. Not posting it here as it takes up a lot of reading space.

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