Monday, March 17, 2008

Announcing the arrival of Nuggets!

Sometime around the end of Feb, though the freecycle website, Uncle Danilo kindly and generously gave us a 1-year old male rabbit affectionately known as Nuggets. Princess Chelsea was really excited about it, and the moment she saw Nuggets, she actually kissed him on the ears, and proclaimed that she would love him forever.

Daddy Tiong on the other hand, was more concerned about the extra amount of work that he had to take on, which included duties like clearing away his poo and pee, and his weekly shower.

Mummy Eliz, the mastermind of this adoption project, was thrilled also as she could now fulfill her childhood dream of owning a pet rabbit.

And Nuggets certainly kept us busy!

On its first night, Daddy Tiong had to clean his cage at 2am in the morning, as he decided he need to pee, and after peeing, shake his urine all over the kitchen floor.

Poor Mummy Eliz cut her fingers while cutting fresh carrots for the little rascal.

The major plus point about this adoption project is that Princess Chelsea learnt to be responsible about feeding Nuggets. This is also a great way to teach her to be compassionate and kind to little animals. And while feeding Nuggets his celery and carrot sticks, Princess Chelsea also ate some.

A healthy start to a great relationship with our pet rabbit!

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