The week before National Day, Princess and Prince enjoyed a picnic at East Coast Park with our Mac Frenz, our lovely picnic started at 3pm, and only ended around 7pm.
Reaching home only around 8pm that was the longest picnic we ever had.
Everyone brought along some food, and a huge tent was setup. In all, there was about 6 kids and close to 10 adults at the picnic.
My little prince had started to recognize and feel familiar to this usual group of family friends, so much so that he did not want to leave when it is time to go home.
He actually requested for a phone call to be made to God-Pa Mervin before he was willing to cooperate and leave for home.
Thank you, Setoh for the smooth ride home!
~ Enjoying dry sand play ~
~ Enjoying wet sand play ~
~ A pretty boy’s back looking poetic ~