Friday, August 14, 2009

My Little Princess’ 5th Birthday Cake Choice

Princess came home one day, with the Young Families magazine distributed out by her school, right on the second page, was a colorful advertisement by Ecreative, Singapore’s 1st online florist and cakes.

A very pretty looking 3D Princess Cake caught her eye, and she could not peel her eyes off it.

It was the first time Princess experienced the feeling of want. Mummy Eliz took the chance to explain the difference between a want and a need.

She caught the idea, but still could not stop desiring for the cake. So we discussion, and reached an agreement.

From now till her 5th Birthday, she has 10 months to save up for the cake. She would have to save an average of 30c a day in order to buy the cake for her 5th Birthday Celebration.

Two weeks had since passed, and daily, with the small allowance she was given, she would try her hardest to curb her desire to spend it all [sometimes, she craved in and brought a sweet or two], and dutifully, she would save the remaining.

Mummy Eliz hopes Princess would be able to enjoy the sweet feeling of knowing that if she tries hard, she would be able to reach a certain goal.

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