Monday, April 5, 2010

Prince’s Intense LOVE for the colour Orange

Since as long as Mummy Eliz remembers, Prince has an unexplainable love for the colour Orange.

When Audrey Jieh-Jieh asked him what he would like for his 3rd Birthday Present, his answer is that of an Orange box with nothing inside.

Princess Chelsea was asking about why we do not have full-fledged Art classes at home, when we have Music, Languages, and Maths classes etc, Prince immediately joined in the conversation by asking for the addition of Orange Classes.

Hmmm, can anyone enlighten me on how I can conduct Orange Classes?

1 comment:

popuri said...

haha this is cute. Yes one can wake up to orange juice, followed by counting carrot sticks and using only orange to draw and colour on white piece of paper and then look at a piece of artwork and point out orange objects, finally ending by buying an orange gerbera for mummy and a peck of kiss to end the day!