Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spoilt Littlest Prince Christian

This is Mummy Eliz’s little online confession, for a 3 year old, Prince Christian is a little spoilt.

He’s learning and has a gentle aloof nature, but as he’s always treated as the little darling in the family, he tends to get away with things a great deal more than his elder sister. He also gets carried around non-stop on family outings.

To summarise it all in one word, he’s totally dependent.

Whereas when Prince Christian was born, Princess Chelsea was only 21 months old. But already at that time, as she was suddenly given the role of an elder sister, she was literally forced to grow up and ‘behave her age’.

This makes Mummy Eliz’s mind drift to the lost littlest one. If she/he had been born, at the time of his/her birth, Prince Christian would be 2.5 years old. With the littlest one assuming the status of the little darling in the family then, Prince Christian would surely be not as spoilt.


Despite this realisation, Mummy Eliz is at fault too, she certainly enjoys the way he acts little to get her attention, and thus has not really done much to put a stop to this, except when obvious boundaries are crossed.

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