Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Reflection time: Double Standards???

When a child demands, she's called bossy.
When a parent demands, she's called firm.

When a child yells and screams, she's 'out of control'.
When a parent yells and screams, she's exasperated and tired.

When a child doesn't answer, he's called rude.
When a parent doesn't answer, she's called busy.

When a child isn't satisfied, she's called spoiled.
When a parent isn't satisfied, she's called discerning.

When a child is angry, she's 'out of line'.
When a parent is angry, she's justified.

When a child hits, society calls her violent and aggressive.
When a parent hits, society calls it 'discipline'.


When we can acknowledge and address our double standards, we might stop seeing our kids as so different from us, and realize we are all made of the same tissue, the same needs, the same longings, the same wounds, and the same neurobiological need for attention, empathy and connection. When we take down our walls, we see each other's hearts... ♥♥♥

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