Sunday, July 23, 2023

Google "CrowdTaskSG" to find out more; can get a free Toast Box drink (extended to 13 Aug) + earn $7 just by entering the set of 5 codes! 

Ollie Hunt is hosted by CrowdTaskSG, a web portal set up as part of the Smart Nation, for government agencies in Singapore to engage citizens and gather insights through crowdsourcing tasks. These tasks include surveys, opinion polls, choice questions, and translation requests.

Normally one earn 30-50 coins per survey, so usually best case scenario is 20 surveys = $1 (1000 coins)

However for a limited time, when you sign up now, you get a free Toast Box hot coffee/tea; aside from this, the Ollie Hunt also has 2 limited-time bonus missions, each giving 2000 and 5000 coins (total easy $7) -- just have to enter 5 codes for 5 unique Ollies. 

Easy to sign up, just use SingPass, enter username and email, verify and you can access already.


Influencer FS85XSY6

Patriotic LMPE684G

Fit JC679URZ

Explorer CRBGQZHZ 

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