Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Birth, Age, Illness, Death – Cycle of Life

This is certainly a profound topic, especially when it is being discussed with a 2.5 year old Princess Chelsea.

That was Daddy Tiong’s comment when suddenly; he realized the family engaged in a discussion about Birth, Age, Illness, and Death – The Cycle of Life.

How did it start? Nobody remembered.

The image that stay etched in memory is that of Princess Chelsea suddenly sobbing, not screaming loudly, not throwing a tantrum, just that of her crying softly, with her face all crunched up in a ball. It was that of a sad realization that Death is sure to come to all.

Princess Chelsea is not afraid of dying, but is scared of her loved ones dying.

Princess Chelsea certainly looked overwhelmed then as she tried very hard to put her rapid thoughts into words. A mixture of English and Chinese words started flowing out in sentences from her tiny kissable lips.

She wanted to convey that if Mummy Eliz died, she would draw a picture of her. And think of the good times that were shared.

And her face started to crunch up in a tight ball once again. Daddy Tiong had to give her an extra tight hug to calm her down, and reassure her that it would be a long time before that day comes.

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