Tuesday, February 26, 2008

“Motherhood is a terribly humbling experience”

“Motherhood is a terribly humbling experience”
– A statement made by a Mum on the AsiaParents Yahoo Group.

How very true indeed!

Having experienced (and still experiencing) Motherhood firsthand, Mummy Eliz could not possibly agree more.

Motherhood is not a display of Mathematics equation, nor is it an experiment of Physics elements. In the world of Motherhood, 1 + 1 would not always give 2, and two atoms of Hydrogen mixed with an atom of Oxygen would not always give H2O.

The realization is that there is no best way to raise a child, and no method would produce the same results on two different children. So many other factors of influences come into play, some within our control, and some outside.

So as parents, we try our hardest, within the best of our abilities and then believe that 儿孙自有儿孙福.

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