Monday, June 9, 2008

Kung Fu Panda Movie Event @ Suntec

Once again, we attended a movie event organized by Berriworks.

As Princess Chelsea’s Birthday was just a day ago, the organizers also kindly celebrated her birthday together with some others kids whose birthday falls in June.

Not purely a movie filled with laughter-provoking scenes evenly spread out in the show, Mummy Eliz can sense the movie-producers’ effort in trying to convey messages to the kids, parents and educators.


Po the Panda dreams of being a martial-arts master but is, in reality, a fat, lazy, black-and-white slob. But when his town is threatened by villainous snow leopard, Tai Lung, a group of real kung fu experts need to transform Po into the legendary "Dragon Warrior" who is destined to save the day.

Set in the legendary world of ancient China, this is the story of Po, our unlikely hero, who enters the rigid world of kungfu and turns it upside down. Po ultimately becomes a hero by learning that if he believes in himself, he can do anything.

[Message to kids:

"Before you can achieve anything, start off by believing in yourself. The secret is that there is no “Dragon Scroll” that would magically help you achieves your aim. The secret is the belief that you could do it, and then persisting throughout."]

Well, Tai Lung was not a bad kid to start, in fact, he was Shi-Fu’s adopted son, and dearly loved. Sadly, his ambitions were fueled on blindly by Shi-Fu, and when he was not chosen by Turtle Master to be the Dragon Warrior, he turned aggressive, vindictive, and revengeful.

[Message to parents and educators:

"In educating our kids the academic facts, did we also remember to show the child how to graciously accept defect, how to be proud of playing a supporting role, how to be part of a team, how to work for a greater good than one’s selfish gains?

This cannot be taught via books alone, the child need to experience disappointment, sadness etc in appropriate doses before one can learn how to properly deal with it. If the child is to be shielded all his life, would there be a day that he turns into Tai Lung?

This is certainly tough, because even as parents and educators, we might still be learning and trying hard to apply it."]

Master Turtle’s final words before he passes on:

[Message to everybody]

“The past is history,
The future is mystery,
The time now is a gift,
That is why it is called the Present”

~ Princess smiling happily as she ate the sweets in her birthday gift ~

~ Enjoying the performance by ToyBox ~

~ The Kung Fu kids ~

~ My Kung Fu boy ~

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